running and rolling together

team kerr


We as a family fund Team Kerr ourselves as we do not have a sponsor.  Being both full time carers, this often dictates the amount of events we can enter and the distance we can travel to attend them. 

If you would like to make a donation to help keep us on the road please click the link below.  Any donation regards of amount is very gratefully received and will be used to promote inclusion and disability awareness.

Thank you

David, Sandra & Aaron xxx

aaron was born with chronic renal failure,  which resulted in a kidney transplant in 2010 at the age of 13.  aaron received his new kidney from his daddy david, which was a perfect match and his progress and results have been excellent since.  as well as his kidney condition, aaron has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, epilepsy & a chromosome disorder (Ring 22 mosaic).  due to aaron's medical conditions, he is a full time wheelchair user, and is also non-verbal. AARON USES BODY LANGUAGE AS HE HAS NO FORMAL MEANS OF COMMUNICATION, AND ANYONE WHO KNOWS AARON WILL KNOW HOW GOOD HE IS AT THIS!!!

 He has the most wonderful personality, sense of humour and is quite the messer!!


Team Kerr is a running family from County Down, Northern Ireland, consisting of Dad (David), Mum (Sandra) and the main man Aaron!!

We run as a family and have completed every single one of our races together.

Our goal is to promote inclusion and see assisted running become a common sight in road races throughout the country.

Please scan the Qr code to donate to team kerr AND HELP KEEP US ON THE ROAD

click to follow us on instagram

all about aaron

"Before, during and after our runs we get handshakes, high fives and congratulations.  We have even been told that we are an inspirational family.  We have met and continue to meet so many wonderful people.  We have visited some fantastic places and experienced things we never thought possible.

All of those are very good reasons and we are immensely grateful for them all, but there is one overriding factor in all of this that pushes us on, that makes us finish that final mile or get over that last hill.

Although he might not always show it, and can find it hard to express his feelings, we as parents know that inside, our son is at his happiest with the wind in his hair and the sun on his face"